

To see an angel in a dream - a sign of peace and tranquility. The time will come when all people will live happily ever after.

If you dreamed that you - an angel, then this dream means that one of your family is in great need of your help and you are able to help him.

If a dream is calling you an angel in heaven - a dream warns of a serious illness that threatens you or one of your relatives.

To see in a dream city where angels live - such a dream indicates that in the future, your life is somehow in contact with the state with the beautiful name of Taiwan ( "Taiwan" means "city of angels")

To dream big ripe apples - a sign that will soon be committed a great discovery. Such a dreamer dream suggests that in the future awaits him respect from many people. If you dreamed rotten apple, then this dream mean, what is the matter that you do, fail.

There is an apple in a dream - to meet with a beautiful woman who will have a major impact on your destiny. Perhaps this dream suggests that in the future to power in one of the world comes a woman, which will make it the most powerful state in the world.

If you dream you saw a lot of apples, then the future will be found surprising results, resembling in shape apples. These fruits will return to people's health and youth.

Army - a symbol of strength, is inevitable.

See yourself in a dream serving in the army - in reality you will experience serious difficulties in the cases, you may fall under the influence is very hard and demanding rights.

Dream in which you saw a huge armed army means invasion, enslavement.

If you dream you called to serve in the army - which means that you will become a party to the protracted conflict.

Fighting with an army of enemy - to take a responsible decision.

To dream about the army of the enemy, losing side - in reality you are ready to go to any lengths to achieve the desired results.

If you dream you command an entire army - which means that you possessed the desire to prove to everyone around that you used, not all its capabilities.

To dream, as you in command of an army general - in reality you can count on the patronage of an influential person.

To dream about a fire ball flying toward the earth - such a dream indicates that in the future Earth threatens large meteorite, which will bring the destruction of our planet. Such a dreamer dream prophesies misfortune.

If you had a globe, this dream means that our planet is in real danger. And this threat comes not from outside, but it lies in the people. The fact that the population of the planet completely forgotten that we live on a fragile star and life itself, we granted above. Each country, even every man think he is stronger than others, but because the most important desire is the desire to show the world their own superiority by force of arms and violence.

To dream about a huge dark ball, approaching the Earth - a sign that the Earth threatens ecological disaster and it will happen because of the emissions that poison the air is different factories. There will come a time when the Earth will go down a gray cloud and people will feel a great need in the air.

If you dream you saw a glowing ball on the surface of the Earth, such a dream predicts the Earth's living creatures visiting from another planet, which will come into contact with earthlings, and told them many new and interesting. Such a dreamer dream warns that in future it will collide with something hitherto unknown to him, causing him great fear.

Run away in his sleep from a fireball - a portent of a terrible war. This may be a third world war, which will involve many countries. Such a dreamer dream said that he personally will suffer great losses in the war, and perhaps even take an active part in this terrible battle for life and death.

To dream about a hive - a sign that in the future you will encounter a large number of intractable problems. To dream of the hive is watched by some people, then this dream means that in the not too distant time in power in the state in which you live, come very wise people, but they require a lot of time to bring the country out of crisis.

If you dreamed that you make The hive own hands, you can easily overcome encountered obstacles in your way. Seeing a dream, someone makes a beehive - means that in the future you will meet with a very strong man who will have a significant impact on your life.

To thrust his hand in his sleep in a hive - to the disappointment. This dream suggests that in the future you will be disappointed in the people closest to you. It is possible that he whom you now consider to be your best friend, in fact, be angry, jealous man.

To dream about a hive in which there are no bees - to serious losses. Maybe you lose something very valuable and will greatly suffer because of this.

The bird - the symbol of swiftness, prophecy, impermanence.

If you dreamed of a very large bird, it means that in future the Earth is threatened by a large meteorite, which resulted in several cities will be wiped off the face of the Earth. If you dream big bird close to the dreamer, the meteorite would suffer a city in which the person lives.

To dream a little bird - a sign that on Earth there will be peace and quiet, no wars, hunger and poverty. All people will be happy. Such a dreamer dream predicts happiness.

To dream about a bird without wings - the dream portends a real threat to the population of Australia, because it is on the emblem of this country shows a bird emu, which has no wings.

If you dreamed that the bird cries "wild" voice in the future of any country threatened by invasion of the barbarians. Such a dreamer dream predicts the hard work of subordinate cruel boss.

Black-headed eagle is a symbol of the might of Russia.

Seeing a black double-headed eagle, fighting with any beast - the threat of war and external conflicts.

See a dream bezglavuyu bird - to the sad events in Russia.

If you dreamed voiceless bird, then in the future on Earth will be a very severe drought, which affected many nations of the world.

To dream iron bird - a sign that very soon will be invented a unique aircraft. If the iron bird sitting on the ground, it is an omen major airline crash.

To see the dream of rare beauty of birds - a sign that you live and only interested in their past.

If you see into. Sleep a rare bird, then you have to concentrate all their efforts on this rather than look to the past or look to the future. The only way you can avoid the impending calamity on you.

To see the dream of an eagle soaring in the sky - to strive for divinity and mercy. Dignity will not allow you in the future to make a false choice.

The eagle in a cage - the desire for power and might.

To see a rooster in a dream - to quarrels and conflicts.

Dream, in which attacks you cock, means that someone tries to engage you in the conflict, whose consequences are unpredictable.

If you dream about watching cockfights - in reality you will witness an incident.

If you dream you saw in his blood - as soon as you get the news from their relatives.

Dream in which you are bleeding to death, means a temporary loneliness and sadness.

To see in a dream, as you shed someone's blood - to show carelessness in dealing with very important issue for you. You should take the initiative in their hands.

To dream of a loved one, bleeding - because of your selfishness you have sour relations with a close friend.

Son, where you saw the bloodstained ground, foretells hardships, conflict and human sacrifices.

Candle - a symbol of faith, comfort, romance, emotions, austerity.

See the light of candles in the night window - this symbol means that in his declining years you will not be less loved and dolgozhdanny than in his youth.

Flavor wax candles, scattered on the road - a sign of trouble, which is connected with the persecution of supporters of religion, referring to them in places with severe climates.

To see the glow in the sky, reminiscent of the light candles - be prepared to take for granted any surprise. Gain new knowledge, help with their help to those who need them.

Seeing the processes taking place with candles - a harbinger of what will happen in the spring of misfortune, which will claim many lives, will be mourning.

Walk down the street, lit with candles - a symbol that your love is still ahead.

Get a gift candlestick, which burns countless candles - a symbol of what a difficult time you will not leave a spiritual teacher and help focus the energy of not only his, but heavenly.

To see a wolf, which is reflected in the eyes of burning candles - beware of a man who, under cover of religion and the struggle for morality, and decided to get rich at any cost way to power under the guise of virtue.

To see how the wind blows all the candles - a symbol of evil, which will hinder the implementation of the intentions of a spiritual rebirth and renewal.

Unsuccessful attempts to light a candle - a label that will be pursued at every step and at the wrong time of the seizure by surprise.

Castle - a symbol of indecision, isolation, barrier, barriers.

Son, where you lock the door lock, means spiritual emptiness and an attempt to avoid solving problems.

To dream broken lock - the betrayal of friends.

To see the dream castle without a hole - you are too overconfident, so in the near future can not count on a quick solution.

If you saw in a dream castle of unusual shape - you will witness interesting developments.

To dream about the fallen castle - means, in reality, you will be able to solve some mystery or prophecy.


Cat - a symbol of evil forces, witches, home comfort, sanctuary, good luck.

To see the striped cat, walking on the road to the city - the dream said that before the advent of a great man who will bring the wisdom from above, people get to know a cat or other animal, which will be sent as a sign.

Seeing a cat the size of a lion, lying on the threshold of the house - means that the well-being depends on sound policies regarding animals.

Seeing a black cat with red eyes - the dream suggests malicious intent, which could result in bloodshed, characterizing in 2023.

Seeing a cat in the mantle from mouse skins - a symbol that the events of 2008 would entail retribution, which is come to pass in 2011.

Accidentally killing the cat - means that in 2045 in Egypt would be caught very dangerous international criminal.

See the city invaded by cats - a symbol that portends ecological disaster, drought, famine.

Seeing a basket of kittens, you have to honor to the palace, accompanied by columns of people - means that in ten years in power will be very strong and unpredictable in their actions a person, who will be reading to such an extent that it can be compared with the deification . This period can be called an era of democracy and independence in all.

See gallery of stuffed cats - a harbinger of official reprisals against those who believe in a higher or transcendent power.

To see a pack of cats, which was attacked by a huge dog - which means that in 2018 will major clash between the forces of good and evil, which will be reflected primarily on family life and housework.

To see the striped cat, who fell into a trap, - this dream portends death or deliberate slaughter of the man - Envoy of God, which does not recognize.

Seeing red and yellow cat with green eyes - a harbinger of what a stupid event, which will be affected by the traditions of Japan, will lead to a worsening of relations between this country and relevant to the event.

Seeing a couple of cat-decorated with colored ribbons - means that in 2047 an event occurs, which will unite the rulers and the peoples of the States, had not cooperated.

Seeing as the cat pours wine on a silver chasham - a symbol of good luck and prosperity in 2011 as a result of hard work and law-abiding life.

To see a chameleon in a dream - a dream suggests that in future the whole world are waiting for change.

These changes affect both a state and the individual.

If you dreamed that a chameleon changes color, it is evidence that in the future you will be invited to a big, profitable at first sight thing.

Son says that you should not take part in this matter, otherwise you'll lose all economic resources.

Meet in a dream with a man, a chameleon - a dream warns you that now you should not make significant gestures, because of them you'll be very sorry in the future.

Child - a symbol of hope, future.

If you dreamed that the child was bitten by an animal, then the dream suggests that in future the Earth will be a large number of vampires, who primarily will be a serious hazard to children. Such a dreamer dream predicts a meeting with the Antichrist who wants to make him his pupil.

To dream about a pregnant woman - a sign that in future all the same to happen what they say has for many years, that is, a man become pregnant and bear a child. Perhaps it will not happen without the intervention of the dark forces, but this fact will honor this man and his child to the world.

If you dream you saw a disabled child, then this dream warns mankind about the danger posed by our polluted atmosphere. Dreamer the dream predicts a meeting with the man who would very much need his help.

To dream about a dirty child in the hands of a fallen woman - a dream suggests that the Earth is in very great danger. In the future, the joint venture and House will be infected with an unprecedented number of people, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction. But when it will seem that the plight of nothing will change, you are a man who invents a cure for this terrible disease.

If you had a child who has no limbs, then the dream suggests that the Earth is in real danger. Due to the fact that the environment is heavily polluted, the light will be produced a lot of children with various disabilities, and mental disabilities.

To see the dream of a healthy smiling child - a happy sign. The Earth has finally come happy time when peace will reign love. People lose their fear of war, poverty and hunger, but because many people in the light of healthy beautiful children.

Seeing a dream child, running along the ground - means renewal and symbolizes a new humanity.

Son, in which the child squeezes the snake or kill it, predicts that humanity will find a way to avert the threat of nuclear war.

If you dream you saw a child - it is a sign that you are coming to the life-line when necessary to review and change their lives.

To see a crying child - to jeopardize their future.

Find a dream of their child - to try to find a lost hope.

To dream of the child, the detachment flowers - means spiritual enlightenment.

Keep a dream in the hands of the baby - to try to find a way out of the predicament.

Church - a symbol of cultural prosperity, spirituality and purity.

To dream snow-white church with golden domes - heralds a cultural blossoming of the country, its moral and spiritual foundations, universal unity.

Son, where you saw the ruined church, means illness and moral suffering.

If you dream you will be signed at the church service, then in real life you will feel remorse.

Build a church in a dream - your quest for knowledge will be rewarded handsomely.

To dream about the church, entwined by a snake - a bad sign. This is a threat to humanity, since all human values will be destroyed by evil.

If you dream you saw in the church of the castle - be careful! Your isolation and loneliness may be a tendency to shy away from your nearest and dearest to you man.

Son, where you see the church on fire, presaging the enmity between generations and the collapse of public order.

To dream a madman - a dream foretells a danger that you will much sooner than all those to whom it would be in danger, therefore, of your actions will depend on the fate of other people.

Treat a madman - in reality become one of the victims of misfortune.

If you have a dream that mocks the crowd crazy, it's a sign that your caution and knowledge are not taken into account, resulting in a catastrophe would be unavoidable and there will be many casualties.

Cross - a symbol of salvation, trials, hope.

To dream about the cross - then you have a long and severe tests.

See church crucifix in a dream - your improper actions serve the cause of your distress.

If you dream you compress his cross, you can choose not the easiest, but a decent way of life.

Dream in which you saw an eagle carrying in its talons a cross means the aggression of a powerful empire.

To dream the cross-cut all around, - a sign of trouble, threatened the entire planet and humanity.

If you dream about wearing a cross around his neck - get ready to the fact that someone from the neighbors ask you for help, the consequences of which will be unfavorable to you.

To dream about a burning cross - a warning of danger.

Cross, similar to the anchor, means a spiritual rebirth.

Crown - a symbol of power, variability, patronage, jealousy.

Try on the crown in a dream - to doubt the correctness of its decision.

Seeing himself in his sleep in the king's crown - mean disaster and poverty. Beware of an imaginary friend.

Son, where you saw a man with a crown on his head, means friendship and patronage of wealthy and influential man.

Fallen from the crown of the head means of intrigue and envy enemies.

Crown, which lies on the dais, means defeated power.

Seeing his own death in a dream - a dream indicates that you will live a long time. If you had a dream that is dying your close people, it is clear evidence that this man will be a long and happy life.

To dream about the death of many people - a sign that humanity will live long. End of the world, which is currently much talk, not yet come for several millennia.

If you had a dream that is dying a very important person in the world, this dream predicts confusion and concern around the world. Most likely in the future really died suddenly one very important person, and immediately after his death, will begin a fierce struggle for political power, which will grow into a great civil war, and perhaps even a world war.

To dream about the death of a sick person - means that in the not so distant past will be found a cure for the plague of XX century - the joint venture and yes. With this drug a lot of infected people will be healed, and after some time, this deadly disease would be destroyed on our planet.

To dream man dying an agonizing death, - a bad omen. This dream means that in future there will be people who, like Chikatilo, kill many people before you find it. Such a dreamer dream predicts a meeting with a brutal man, perhaps even a maniac.

Seeing a man in a state of clinical death - means that in the future happen to you something that will put you out of balance for several years. You will not care what is happening in the world, in your country, city and even in your family.

Mud - a symbol of wealth, intense activity, the abundance of events, gossip.

See impassable mud - a symbol of the thickening clouds, hard times and illness, which would affect the most inopportune moment for failures depleted human head and body.

See the city, which falls upon a barrage of filth - means a natural disaster, tornado, tsunami, which will bring not only physical difficulties, but also to cause death or displacement of the leaders.

To see gold coins in the dirt - a dream boding worship and veneration of an unworthy man, who will mark his reign immense vanity and waste of material wealth, proceeds by many generations.

To see a man who plasters over the mud - a sign of a disease that will plague people and from which there will be drugs, people will leave the cities and turn to the forces of nature for healing.

To see how the plates poured mud - a harbinger of wealth and the era of universal prosperity, carelessness and security.

Seeing in the well of pure water instead of sludge and mud in which frog jump - this dream means that France will have difficulties with drinking water due to a major accident at the elimination of which would require a lot of time.

See the children who play in the mud - a sign that the city has run its course as a form of life and people will want to get closer to nature.

Trying to wash away the dirt from hands - a symbol of predicting a lot of money, wealth, success in business.

If you dream you came in the mud - in reality your weaknesses will be the target of rumors and speculation.

Fall in the dirt - your careless actions serve the cause of quarrels with relatives.

Mire clothes - slander and intrigue.

Son, where you saw the mud-stained shoes, means hatred and alienation. Be restrained, do not let ourselves be drawn into the conflict.

Wash mud-stained clothes - a sign that your reputation is at stake.


The dog - a symbol of devotion.

To see a stray dog - it warned that acquired and accumulated great difficulty is easy to lose in 2009.

To see an absolutely huge white dog - a symbol of the deteriorating situation in the industry and living standards in general, which is expected in winter in the northern states.

Seeing the dog, which lies at the feet of the sleeping dragon - a sign that the 2001 will be entered into alliance, which was not expected and could not predict, but it will be durable, as the fidelity of a dog, and productive, as the wisdom of a serpent.

See the man in the guise of a dog - a symbol of new discoveries relating to the snowman and his closest genetic relatives.

Seeing the dog, leading negotiations with the whale - a symbol that the use of the most powerful lethal weapons will be delivered to the new legislative framework, which will help establish the actual balance in the world.


The egg symbolizes the birth of a new life, rebirth.

Watching a dream to see how an egg hatches a creature - a sign that soon you will witness the emergence of living beings on Earth. A young pregnant woman this dream predicts successful childbirth.

Find a dream of great unusual egg - means that in the future will be found a large egg of unusual animal. This may be long extinct dinosaur egg.

If you dreamed that you broke the egg, then the dream prophesies that you commit a crime. May deprive the life of any living creature. If the egg will break anyone, in the future you will become an involuntary witness to the brutal murder.