To see an angel in a dream - a good sign. You are waiting for calm and very happy times.
To see the dream of an angel over the head of someone from your family - a harbinger of what will soon soul By this man goes away to another world. If you dream you see the angel behind you to an unknown person, in the not too distant time you will receive unexpected news of the death of a senior, noble, known personally to you man.
If you dreamed that you - an angel, then this dream means that you should think about how you spend the revenue that brings your work. You need to think about their neighbors and share with them their profits, because you may lose your wealth in an instant.
Blood in the dream is associated with kinship, revenge, conflict.
Dream in which you are trying to stop the blood pouring from a wound, symbolizes your longing for the deceased loved one.
If you dream you see blood on his clothes - it is a sign that the deed of a loved one would jeopardize your reputation.
In a dream you are protected and struck his opponent so badly that the wounds of his blood splashed on you, - this dream foretells that any interference in the quarrel between relatives can result in serious consequences for you.
You dream that you drink from the river cold and tasty water. But suddenly the water in the river begins to get dark and your eyes turned in the thick blood. You notice with horror that this blood-stained your hands, mouth and clothing. This dream is a warning. On your family is a long-standing curse that will not hesitate to destroy your life and your loved ones. Doom will haunt you for as long as you do not ask for forgiveness for the sins of the Creator, in which blame your ancestors.
In the dream, you dealt a major blow, you did not expect this turn of events and therefore could not defend themselves - the dream meant that in reality, you need time to comprehend the situation.
Son, where you hit someone, foretells you unexpected news.
If you dream you have to dodge the blow - in real life will always be able to get out of any situation. Whatever it may be difficult.
In a dream you were trying to protect someone from the family, and therefore the burden of stroke has fallen on you - this means that in reality you will incur a large loss due to negligence and carelessness relatives.
In the dream, this symbol means wisdom, knowledge, foresight.
Before you huge shelves laden with books, they are many, and you did not choose her favorite. This dream means that in real life you do not know in choosing their life path.
In a dream you hold in your hands a book and read the inscription in an unknown language to you - in reality you will discover a hidden hitherto ability.
To dream book with torn pages - a sign that you will take a hasty decision, which will destroy all your plans.
Dream in which you receive a gift book, is a symbol of your wisdom and sagacity. Perhaps you do not presume the existence of such a gift.
See for yourself in the hands of an ancient magic book - a sign of sinfulness and fall. In real life, your actions are motivated by selfishness.
Bridge in a dream means hope, promise, oath. If you dream you are coming or going across the bridge and suddenly he is under you, fails, it means that soon you will betray the person you used to trust. You'll be hard to experience this baseness, but in the end will justify and forgive a traitor.
Dream in which you build a bridge, you portends a difficult period due to the fact that you have to take on a huge load of obligations to other people.
Go over the bridge for a long time - such a dream foretells you shame and remorse, because you do not do this you promise.
To dream a burning candle - a good sign. This dream portends a long-awaited peace and peace throughout the world. People will live in harmony and prosperity, there will be no evil rulers, no bad people, whether poor or rich.
To see the dream light candles in the night box - a sign that you are under the protection of higher powers that will help you cope with any, the most complex tasks. In real life, this patronage is reflected in the person of a very influential man, who constantly keeps track of all your actions and deeds, though it is possible that you do not even suspect its existence.
If you dream about, despite all their attempts, can not light a candle, then, unfortunately, in real life you are destined to cause the death of a man. Sometimes the dream suggests that you can not prevent the commission of terrible crimes in which the people perish.
Extinguish a candle in his sleep - the prophecy of bad news. You will get the news of the death of person close to you and you will be very sorry about that, not spent with him the last hours of life.
If you dreamed that the candle went out before your eyes, then you expect the disease. Perhaps it would be a serious disease that now you can still be prevented.
To dream about a lot of scattered candles - a terrible prophecy. The time will come when people will turn away from God, they become cruel and unmerciful, invent a new religion of violence and death. Lord was angry with his servants, and send to Earth a terrible fire.
If you dream you saw many people walking with candles, then soon you will overpower the old problems that you put off, thinking that they will never remind you about myself. This dream suggests that started it must always bring to a conclusion.
Casket in the dream represents your essence, your soul, spiritual life, your secret thoughts that guide you, making their actions on Earth.
If you dream you see an empty box, it means that you have committed a terrible sin, so God can turn away from you if you do not redeem and atone his offense.
If the box is full, it means you often think about the soul and care about her, and you rewarded for it.
Son, where you see a box full of ashes or the ashes, said that the black in your heart and you do not see a ray of hope. But clearance is - and the name and work of Christ.
A smooth, white, and high ceiling - a sign of prosperity and affluence, tranquility and relaxing time.
Consider a crack in the ceiling - a dream promised repentance and regret for the act committed on the eve of sleep, only to correct made too late.
If you dream you think that the ceiling falls on you and is about to be crushed, then it means that the circumstances were you not in the best way, so we should wait with important matters.
To dream many children - an indication that you will be a lot of minor problems, each of which will require you to additional time and effort. Perhaps such a dream predicts the increase in birth rates in the world.
If in a dream saw a child, then in real life, you're no better way. Your baby excesses extremely inappropriate and offend people around you.
To see the children crying in a dream - the dream foretells a world threat. The time will come when men will go to war, women occupy inappropriate affairs, and children will shed many tears. Such a dreamer dream prophesies misfortune of their children or close relatives.
If you dreamed disabled children, then your addiction is not only harmful to your health, but also the health of surrounding people. Sometimes the dream predicts an environmental catastrophe on the planet.
If you saw in a dream of their children, then you should be careful in dealing with their home. It is possible that their actions and words, you greatly offend them.
Search for children - a bad omen. You will not find a way out of this situation because of some minor troubles.
Playing in his sleep with the children - a sign that in real life you are looking for work in the soul, but in spite of his quest, you'll have some more time to spend on an old unloved work, which deprives you of the last forces.
The appearance of this symbol in the dream reflects the despair, spiritual purification, repentance.
Seeing himself within the church - a sign that in real life, your actions are dictated by personal selfishness and unwillingness to reckon with other people. This dream is a warning that the time for you to change your life and repent for sins committed.
Present during sleep in the church in worship - means that in reality you can count on the love and respect for the people around you.
Dream in which you saw an empty church with boarded-up doors, heralds life changes for the worse, depression and hopelessness.
In a dream you are standing in a destroyed church and trying to put a candle in a candlestick - this dream means that in real life you will contribute to the spiritual rebirth and renewal.
You walk into a church during the service. In her very closely, because a large number of people gathered under its dome. People kneel and pray. You raise your head up and see, instead of a dome sky studded with stars, among which floats month bright red color. The closer is this month, the stronger you feel fear, it seems a little more, and it falls from a height directly on the head of the congregation of people - the dream is a harbinger of cruel, bloody religious conflict. Most likely, you'll be his witness, not a participant.
To see the dream as you are helping to restore the old church - a sign that in reality all the old grudges are forgotten, and you can restore the previous relationship with a person close to you.
In the dream, you saw the funeral procession, which bear the coffin. You came closer and was horrified to notice that it says your name - in reality, this terrible dream means that you have to change not only its habits, and lifestyle, because with age a person must change.
An empty coffin symbolizes the inner emptiness and emotional burdens.
If you dream about going to the funeral procession, and bear the coffin - this means that in reality you will make a faux pas, which will close person many misfortunes and troubles.
Son, where you force the scoring in the coffin nails, means that in real life you do everything you can to get rid of their vices and weaknesses.
See dream fallen coffin - a good omen. Your guardian angel will help you avoid a dangerous accident.
The coffin, covered with earth, signifies the presence of terrible, with nothing comparable is not evil.
If you dream you confess, then waking Take an unworthy act, for which would be a shame, but you conceal it from everyone, though in his heart will suffer, and repent.
Dream in which you confess someone in the role of the priest, predicted a difficult period, when many friends and acquaintances will need your help, but you will not be easy to comfort them. For the soul is troubled, and you will be tormented with them.
Overheard in a dream someone else's confession - in reality a long conversation on the topic of faith and religion, which makes you more time to reflect on their world-view and lifestyle, because it will affect the deepest strings of your soul.
In dreams you own hands raised an excellent crop - this means that in reality your efforts will not go without reward.
Dream in which your crops died because of drought, shows that in reality you need to worry about the moral and spiritual upbringing of your children.
Harvest ripe, the branches are bursting with fruit, the terms of the abundance of vegetables and fruits, but
no one to collect the crop and the harvest die - the dream foretells you transience and futility of events for which you have spent so much mental and physical strength.
In the dream, this symbol means the petition, protection from evil, update.
Dream in which you saw at his neck with a chain cross symbolizes repentance, forgiveness and love of neighbor.
To dream you are baptized as a priest, and put you on the cross - a sign that in real life, your guardian angel will protect you from misfortune.
In the dream you saw the golden, glowing cross - in reality you have the necessary qualities of character such as the ability to forget and forgive injuries.
You dream that you are standing in a cemetery in front of you a grave, where you can see a large cross - the dream meant that in reality you should be doing more good deeds, because bad things are bound to be punished by higher powers. In reality, you lost faith in the validity of this truth.
To dream your own death - a sign that you expect a long happy life with your lover. This dream suggests that you do the same fate Envoy of God on earth.
If you had a dream that is dying a very important person in the world, this dream is a great prophecy. He said that in the near future to power in one of the developed countries of the world will wise ruler, who will be able to establish peace and harmony among residents of different states. People stop fighting and send each other a curse.
If the dream dies a sick man, then in the future you will encounter a monstrous injustice. You will be offered lucrative deal, which resulted in affected people. From your decision will depend on the salvation of your soul.
To dream about the death of large numbers of people - a bad omen. This dream predicts a terrible epidemic, which resulted in millions of people will die of the globe. This will find a cure for this disease person, whose opinion is not heard.
To dream man dying an agonizing death, - a harbinger of a nuclear war, which zateet future ruler of one of the developed countries of Europe. As a result of this great state of war will be erased from the face of the earth, and the surviving people sooner or later die a slow, painful death.
If you had a person in the state of clinical death, then you for a long time will be in the dark about plans for your old friend. Unfortunately, they turn their plans into reality, bringing you very much affected.
See the devil in a dream - a strong prediction of luck, in which your prestige to increase significantly. But, being proud of his position and success in business, you'll turn into an evil, vain and arrogant man.
If you dream that you are talking with the devil, then in real life you are in mortal danger. Your life can end in tragedy, unless you are extremely careful and cautious.
Revolve feature, keeping it by the tail - a sign that your angry and sarcastic nature contributes to the disappointment in you people, first truly devoted to you. Do not tempt the Lord, for stay alone.
It is not necessary to perceive the appearance of this symbol in a dream as something tragic. In the biblical interpretation of illness is sent to people as a punishment for sins and to cleanse the thoughts, feelings and actions. For a man, this symbol is a warning that it is time to reconsider their position and values of life.
Son, where you see yourself suffering from severe and incurable disease, suggests that in reality you have committed an ugly act and soul blame myself for momentary weakness.
See a dream person close to you sick - a sign that waking your loved ones need support and attention.
In a dream you saw in the scorched-earth crowd of people dying in the streets of a severe and incurable disease, - this dream portends ecological disaster caused by the use of bacteriological weapons. Perhaps you will become a witness to this catastrophe.
See yourself in a dream recovering after a serious illness - in reality you can avoid If the dream is close to you has died from a serious illness - that is corrupt relations and personal problems.
To dream about a stray dog - a bad sign. This dream is a warning that your friend is currently in a very difficult position. He did not appeal to you for help just because he does not want to burden you with my problems.
If you dreamed of a completely white dog, then in real life you can always count on the help of his close friend. Sometimes the dream predicts a meeting with an old friend with whom you have not seen for many years.
If you saw a black dog in his sleep, then waking you have to bitter disappointment in the man you thought for a long time friend. At the painful moment he not only turns its back on you, but also uses your secrets in order to publicly defame your good name.
To dream about a dog gigantic proportions - a sign that in the future you will be acquainted with the man who later becomes your good friend. Sometimes the dream predicts the support of his old friend.
Feed the dog in his sleep - a sign that in real life you can rely on. You will be responsible and serious person, but because the surrounding respect and love you.
If you dreamed of injured or killed the dog, then that dream is a bad omen. Soon you will get very bad news of terminal illness or even death of his very good friend.
If you dream you protect the dog, then in reality you are under the protection of higher powers. You have nothing to fear, because you defend the guardian angels who watch over all your thoughts and actions from the heavens.
If a dog attacks you, then the dream suggests that in real life, you have to see you soon with the black forces. Servants of Satan will try to make your life unbearable, causing you to one disaster after another. If you repel an attack dog, then you will be able to withstand the forces of evil, but it will happen only if you ask for help from God.
To dream in flames sheet of paper - a strong fire, which will destroy all forests of the globe. The world's population will experience strong demand for wood, paper and, of course, air.
To dream about approaching the fire from the sky - a sign that in the future Earth threatens a large meteorite or comet. Perhaps this cosmic phenomenon severely hurt many cities of the world and will kill many people.
If in a dream by the fire comes a bad smell, then soon you will be known malicious gossip, which are spread about you your detractors. You have a lot to work hard to refute the machinations of the enemies and restore their honor and dignity in the eyes of others.
Warmed in a dream by the fire - proof that in real life you are very lucky man who knows that in difficult moments he will always find understanding and support among family members. Believe me, this is not given to everyone, and therefore appreciate their neighbors.
Watching a dream for the fire in the furnace - means that your home in greater danger from fire. Be careful in dealing with fire, would otherwise be homeless.
To dream about a little spark from a lighted candle - such a dream is a good omen. Your faith in God and observance of all the commandments of the Lord great impact on your life. You will find peace, peace, happiness and love.
If you dreamed of the city or the forest, in flames, in the future the globe threatens to terrible drought. The time will come when people will not remain a sip of water, and then go heavy rain, which will last for several days and nights, and would give people a long-awaited moisture, water-filled oceans, seas and lakes. Those who survive this drought will never cause the nature of evil, because people will be given to know that the drought sent down to them for their disbelief in God, renunciation of religion and ruthless attitude towards the environment.
Wash the floor - such a dream promises you success in work, if you are not going to argue with their superiors and to defend their point of view, as well as the indulgence to the shortcomings of influential people.
If you dreamed that opens up the floor under you and you fall, it means that someone is making a lot of effort to ruin your reputation. And, apparently, is he can.