Your desire to advance your education and learn new skills could be promoted by a sudden event that points you in the right direction, Aries. You could start training an artistic talent or learn to use new technology or find out about the latest advances in scientific knowledge. Your mind is sharp and curiosity high. The opportunity to learn will appear.
You should be feeling especially passionate at this time, Aries, especially regarding partnerships. Romantic partnerships definitely call for an evening together! Professional and creative partnerships call for a new project that you believe in strongly. Look to events in other states or foreign countries for inspiration. Something begun in places far away could capture your imagination.
Today you may substitute chocolate for a lack of love because you feel tempted to treat yourself to something good. This is fine, but confine yourself to a small amount. Overindulgence in sweets could have you regretting it when you get a stomachache, not to mention step on the scale! Remember, moderation is the key.
You'll excel at competitive sports as Mars encourages you to pit yourself against others' strength and agility. When it comes to romance, you'll be just as ardent, eager to impress, and ready to sweep someone off their feet. You also seem to be enjoying yourself at work, with Jupiter and the Sun encouraging you to knuckle down and bring your dreams to life. You're entering a phase in which it pays to grab every opportunity that comes your way.