Your imagination is always fertile, but today it's especially productive, perhaps surprisingly so, Capricorn. You could come up with ideas for all kinds of new projects. Friends could want to work with you, and they should have a lot to contribute. Make sure you write down some of your ideas so you can go back to them later. You won't be able to get everything done today!
Emotions could be running high today, Capricorn. Someone in your entourage may have a problem with an authority figure, and political issues could come up. You may feel powerful right now and tempted to throw your hat into the ring. However, it's best to stay out of anything political and channel that power and passion into your own project. That's far more likely to bring positive results.
You may feel neglected and unloved today, Capricorn. If you're single, you may feel worse. Cheer up. If you're running around with such a depressed and dramatic expression on your face, nobody will feel like asking you out. Try to make yourself happy by doing things you like to do. If you smile, you'll be a magnet for someone who has love to give.
It could be decision time concerning a desire to expand your horizons. If you've been researching options, perhaps a class appeals to you as a way to improve your chances in the job market. Travel adventures could give you a fresh perspective on life that impacts your choices and personality. Mercury glides into Libra on Thursday, so you may be giving fresh thought to career goals and what you need to do to achieve them. Saturday's Full Moon could confuse matters!